Akhirye . *_*
Sunday 11 December 2011 ❖ 19:51 | 0 Comment [s]

Hyee guyss , buat ape tooo ? harini cik Nabila Natasya nk cite sikit .
pasal ape yaaa ? pasal ? hohoh , about me . okey . nabila nk
ckp yg skrung NABILA SINGLE MINGLE . hohohoh . caye tkkk ?
k fineeeeeeee kalau tk caye ! hahaha ~ okeyh . akhirya . nabila
putus ngn si die . sape mintak ? of couse NABILA . tkkn die kott .
sbb ape ek ? sbb kwn nabilaaa , yg gedik-2 gituuuuu ! sape name ?
ehhhhh , secret people ^_^ , mane boleh g thu dongg ! tkbaikkk ~

die nk sgtkn ngn pakwe nabila ? siap tulis kt wall saye syg ......... lg .
gile tkkkkkkkk ? gatal seyh nie minahh . die nk sgt ? amik la .
free of cash aku bg ! jgn tamak sudaaaa ! huhuhuh , saborrr jea la .
okey . kpade yg SINGLE MINGLE tooo ? besttt tkk ? aku rase
mcm syokk jeaaa , sbb ape ek ? kalau single . kite tk la
patah hati . hohoh . errrrrrrrrrrrrrr >.< paling menyampah tgo org putus cinta .
tknk kuar dari bilik laa . tk mkn . tk minum , tk mandi sampai seminggu , euuu .
kesiannnnnnnn kn ? so . tk yh la nk CINTAN CINTUN sgttttttttttt , hoho

nabila tk penaaaa yg tk mandi , tk mkn , tk minum , korg pena ?
mesti tk penaaaaaaaaa kn ? sape yg pena ? erghhhhhhh ! k fine ~
saye miss cousin saye , ptg nieeee saye jumpe with FARIZAH ,
hohoh . happy yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ~ well ! cousin tersygg tooo .
ramai kte kite KEMBAR lorrrrrrrrrrrrrrr , hihihihih , :)) okeyh .
smalam saye nmpk FAEZI , faezi mane ? alaaaaaaaaa , skbp too .
yg makwe die .......... , hohoh , sape sihhh toooo ? npk kt
pontiann , hehehe , syokkkkkkkkkk beb smalam g pontian kt mane too .
yg kt perhentian bas yg lame too , ade amuk , jamal abdillah . hohoh .

malam ni maybe pegi lagiiiiiii , kakak aku bwk DSLR , tpi tk amik gmbr pon .
erghhhhhhhhh ! eh , tkak aku rase mcm nk air COOL BLOG . wahhhhhhhh !
sdapppppppp tooo . huhuhuhuh , ape lgi perisa oreo+chocolate milkty .
hamboiiiiiiiiiiiii , lebey naaaaaaaaa , smalam ptg aku jumpe farah harlina .
misssssss you girllll ~ hohohoh , main badminton ngn dier terjumpe
izlin ngn dayana , hohohoh , comelll korggggggggg , hakhak ~
kla baiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~ nk mknnnnnnnnn , laparrrrrrrrr ~ nk sikit ? tk pyh ! haha , gurau jea ,

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